Club Bulletins

President - Lloyd R. Knight
Vice Pres - Harold Fralich
Secretary - Raymond H. Frost
Treasurer - Sarando P. Giftos
Directors - Stanley Saxby, Harry Russell, Philip Clough, Peter Rich, Arthur S. Keniston, Jr

The famous Water Follies were held Friday evening, July 2nd and Saturday afternoon and evening July 3rd. Thanks to program advertising sale which netted over $6,000, and to Shaw's, who underwrote two  performances, we netted approximately $3,400.

Don Doane and his orchestra provided the music. Attendance was practically nil and Sam Giftos didn1t need those two Portland policemen to accompany him to the bank with the box office receipts.

On August 25, District Governor Ralph Margeson and his wife, Virginia made their official visit. This was held at the Purpoodock Club with our wives in attendance.

On December 22, we held our annual senior citizen Christmas party with Betty Gribbin as entertainment.

Profit from the Christmas Tree Sale was $1812.

Annual dues are now $40 per year.

On March 1, Roger Legere, Chairman of the Bridge and Tunnel Committee of the South Portland Board of Industry related information gathered in one and one half years of study to begin the process of replacing the Portland - South Portland bridge built in 1928.

On April 13, the Thornton Heights Lions Club hosted the third annual joint service club meeting. Participating were the South Portland Lions, Jaycees, Kiwanis, the Cape Elizabeth Lions and the Rotary Club of South Portland - Cape Elizabeth. Bill Caldwell, noted columnist and author, spoke on "Saigon, Washington, and Augusta."

The District Conference was held at the Wentworth-by-the- Sea on May 12th and 13th.

On May 24, Edward "Duke" Blewett spoke on the new technology of "cable television."

Our annual Guy Lombardo dance was held on Wednesday, May 29. The mid-week event cut down on our attendance and our profit totaled $7.63.